Exhibitor and Sponsor Directory
The Council would like to thank the sponsors and exhibitors participating in the 2013 Annual Conference.
Please visit the exhibitors in Resource Central, Grand Ballroom, 2nd Floor, during scheduled exhibit viewing hours:Sunday: 11 a.m.–6 p.m.
Monday: 9 a.m.–6 p.m.
Tuesday: 9 a.m.–12 p.m.

Council on Foundations
Booth No: 400
2215 Crystal Drive, Suite 700
Arlington, VA 22202
Telephone: 800-673-9036 / 703-879-0600
Website: www.cof.org
The Council on Foundations formed in 1949, is a nonprofit membership association of grantmaking foundations and corporations. Members of the Council include more than 1,700 independent, operating, community, public and company-sponsored foundations, and corporate giving programs in the United States and abroad. Visit the Council's booth to learn more about our, publications, leadership opportunities, and tools needed by philanthropic organizations to expand, enhance, and sustain their ability to advance the common good.
Connectivity Sponsor

Telephone: 305-908-2611
Website: www.knightfoundation.org
Knight Foundation supports transformational ideas that promote quality journalism, advance media innovation, engage communities, and foster the arts.
Sponsor of Wi-Fi and the conference app
Platinum Exhibitor

Charities Aid Foundation of America (CAFAmerica)
Booth No: 501
1800 Diagonal Road, Suite 150
Alexandria, VA 22314
Telephone: 703-549-8931
Email: info@cafamerica.org
Website: www.cafamerica.org
For 20 years, CAFAmerica has broken down barriers to international giving. CAFAmerica has changed the culture of giving by making it safe, easy, and effective for everyone to give globally. We help donors make strategic and focused philanthropic decisions which have lasting impacts on the global communities they support.
Diamond Exhibitor

The Center for Effective Philanthropy
Booth No: 500
675 Massachusetts Avenue, 7th floor
Camrbridge, MA 02139
Telephone: 617-492-0800
Email: philb@effectivephilanthropy.org
Website: www.effectivephilanthropy.org
Representative: Phil Buchanan
The Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) provides foundations and other philanthropic funders with comparative data to enable higher performance. Through our research, assessment tools, and programming and communications, CEP's data and insight helps funders achieve the most positive outcomes on issues, fields, communities, and people.

Northern Trust
Booth No: 706
50 S. LaSalle Street
Chicago, IL 60603
Telephone: 312-630-0677
Email: mg38@ntrs.com
Website: northerntrust.com
Representative: Marguerite Griffin
Northern Trust is a leading provider of asset servicing, fund administration, asset management, fiduciary, and banking solutions for organizations and individuals worldwide. Foundation & Institutional Advisors is a dedicated national practice committed to serving nonprofit organizations through sophisticated investment management solutions that seek to add value through an investment process driven by your organization's goals while offering a wide spectrum of investment capabilities tailored to your needs.

Booth No: 300
900 Vanguard Boulevard
Malvern, PA 19355
Telephone: 610-669-9020
Email: patrick_j_burke@vanguard.com
Website: institutional.vanguard.com
Representative: Patrick Burke
Vanguard is one of the worlds' largest investment management companies with approximately $2 trillion in assets under management, and one of the five largest U.S. investment managers for endowments and foundations.* We offer approximately 170 U.S.-based mutual funds that include index and actively managed products spanning from money market and fixed income to equity, international, and low-correlated strategies.
*Pension & Investments, May 2012
Premier Exhibitors

CyberGrants, Inc.
Booth No: 301
300 Brickstone Square, Suite 601
Andover, MA 01810
Telephone:978-824 0314
E-mail: sean@cybergrants.com
Website: www.cybergrants.com
Representative: Sean P. Flanagan
CyberGrants is the premier, original provider of online grants management software uniquely linking needs of nonprofit and grantmaking organizations via the Internet. CyberGrants offers a state of the art streamlined software solution and superior service to its clientele with accessibility from any PC in the world.
Sponsor of registration bags

Moss Adams LLP
Booth No: 210
Representative: Elizabeth Dollar
101 Second Street, Suite 900
San Francisco, CA 94105
Telephone: 818-577-1913
E-mail: elizabeth.dollar@mossadams.com
Website: www.mossadams.com/nfp
Representative: Liz Dollar
Moss Adams LLP is no ordinary accounting firm. While we're one of the largest in the country, we're also highly nimble. We can provide personal, partner-level service and staff your engagement with professionals who are immersed in the needs and challenges of foundations. Discover how we can support your mission.

Booth No: 401
435 Brannan Street, Suite 100
San Francisco, CA 94107
Telephone: 415-633-9300
E-mail: info@NGOsource.org
Website: www.ngosource.org
NGOsource, a project of the Council on Foundations and TechSoup Global, streamlines the task of evaluating whether a non-U.S. organization is equivalent to a U.S. public charity — a process known as equivalency determination, or ED. NGOsource uses custom-designed technology, research on best practices in global grantmaking, standardized methodology developed by leading legal experts, and local partnerships within the global NGO community to create a first-of-its-kind and efficient ED process.
Sponsor of Global Philanthropy concurrent session track

Western Union Business Solutions
Booth No: 306
300-3680 Uptown Boulevard
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada V8Z 0B9
Telephone: 778-224-3025
Website: www.business.westernunion.com/ngo
Western Union Business Solutions offers Foreign Exchange services designed specifically for NGOs, helping you to get money where it's needed - on time, in full, and in the currency and form that work best for your recipient. NGO GlobalPay is the world's first international payment solution designed specifically for not-for-profits.
Supporting Exhibitors

Aon Association Services
Booth No: 201
159 E. County Line Road
Hatboro, PA 19040
Telephone: 202-429-8561
E-mail: Jason.Tharpe@aon.com
Website: www.insurefoundations.com
Representative: Jason Tharpe
For over 30 years, Aon has been dedicated to providing innovative, cost-effective insurance products and services to non-profits. Since 1989 The Council on Foundations has endorsed the Aon D & O Liability Insurance Program to it's membership.

BoardEffect, Inc.
Booth No: 408
161 Leverington Avenue, Suite 1001
Philadelphia, PA 19127
Telephone: 866-672-2666
E-mail: info@boardeffect.com
Website: www.boardeffect.com
Representative: Dottie Schindlinger
BoardEffect is a 100% web-based, secure portal designed to support best practices in governance. From providing board meeting materials in an electronic format and accessible through BoardEffect's free iPad app, to meeting scheduling, to facilitating online deliberation and voting, BoardEffect streamlines governance workflow. Learn more at www.boardeffect.com.

Breckinridge Capital Advisors
Booth No: 507
200 High Street
Boston, MA 02110
Telephone: 617-443-1120
E-mail: tcoffin@breckinridge.com
Website: www.Breckinridge.com
Representative: Tim Coffin
Breckinridge Capital Advisors' sustainable high grade bond strategy seeks to improve risk adjusted returns by adding predictability and reliability to future cash flows. This strategy does not rely on negative screening, and in many cases can overweight portfolios to reflect an institution's values. Visit www.breckinridge.com for more information.

Bromelkamp Company LLC
Booth No: 600
106 East 24th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55404
Telephone: 888-290-9087
Fax: 612-767-6709
E-mail: info@bromelkamp.com
Website: www.bromelkamp.com
Representative: Henry Bromelkamp
For over 30 years, Bromelkamp Company has served grant makers through technology and advice that promote efficiency, effectiveness and innovation. Our software is designed to work the way you do with unparalleled support. We offer Pearl database software, Akoya.net online grants management, eGrant.net online applications, and Fundweb.net
Sponsor of registration bag insert

Counterpart International
Booth No: 603
2345 Crystal Drive, Suite 301
Arlington, VA 22202
Telephone: 571-447-5700
Website: http://www.counterpart.org
A global nonprofit working in 23 countries, Counterpart International partners with local organizations - formal and informal - to build inclusive, sustainable communities in which their people thrive.

Booth No: 312
P.O. Box 5076
Vernon Hills, IL 60061
Telephone: 847-513-6460, ext. 301
Website: http://www.donationx.org
Representative: David Hassen
DonationXchange provides the most innovative, efficient and customizable web-based CSR software to help our customers manage their corporate social responsibility initiatives and keep them connected with their community.

Fathers, Families and Healthy Communities
Booth No: 407
29 E. Madison Street, Suite 1700
Chicago, IL 60602
Telephone: 312-252-0460, ext. 120
E-mail: info@ffhc.org
Website: http://www.ffhc.org
The overall goal of the FFHC Demonstration Project is to utilize promising practices in the human service delivery field to improve the opportunities and outcomes for children of low-income non-custodial African American fathers by enhancing these fathers’ engagement with their families. FFHC leadership has identified key barriers to improving the engagement of low-income non-custodial fathers and has designed a strategy that will leverage community assets and resources resulting in better-coordinated service delivery for African American non-custodial fathers and their families.

Foundant Technologies
Booth No: 406
PO Box 11888
Bozeman, MT 59715
Telephone: 877-297-0043
E-mail: mark.larimer@foundant.com
Website: www.foundant.com
Representative: Daren Nordhagen
Over 400 grantmaking organizations turn to Foundant Technologies for online grants and scholarship management software. If you're re looking for a practical solution to manage your grantmaking, at a reasonable price, with a proven record of helping clients succeed give us a call at (877)297-0043 or www.foundant.com.

Foundation Center
Booth No. 203
79 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10003
Telephone: 212-807-2544
Fax: 212-807-3677
E-mail: srm@foundationcenter.org
Website: foundationcenter.org
Representative: Sumana Maitra
The Foundation Center is the leading source of information about philanthropy worldwide. Through data, analysis, and training we connect people who want to change the world to the resources they need to succeed.

FoundationConnect (NPower)
Booth No. 602
3 MetroTech Center
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Telephone: 212-444-7251
E-mail: Brad.Helies@npower.org
Website: http://www.npower.org/services/foundationconnect
Representative: Brad Helies
NPower's FoundationConnect is a total solution for managing the grantmaking lifecycle. FoundationConnect is a fully cloud-hosted solution that provides a stable, secure and scalable platform that can grow and adapt to a foundation's evolving needs. Your staff and constituents can access FoundationConnect from anywhere they have internet access.

Grantmakers for Effective Organizations
Booth No: 700
1725 DeSales Street, NW, Suite 404
Washington, DC 20036
Telephone: 202-898-1841
Fax: 202-898-0318
Email: twiss@geofunders.org
Website: www.geofunders.org
Representative: Jason Twiss
Grantmakers for Effective Organizations is a community of more than 400 grantmakers challenging the status quo in their field to help grantees achieve more. Understanding that grantmakers are successful only to the extent that their grantees achieve meaningful results, GEO promotes strategies and practices that contribute to grantee success.

International Scholarship and Tuition Services, Inc. (ISTS)
Booth No: 309
1321 Murfreesboro Road, Suite 800
Nashville, TN 37217
Telephone: 501-605-1887
Email: jwelch@applyISTS.com
Website: www.applyISTS.com
Representative: Jennifer Welch
International Scholarship and Tuition Services, Inc. (ISTS) offers full-service administrative solutions for organizations of all sizes seeking to outsource the management of their scholarship, grant and tuition programs. Our comprehensive portfolio includes an online application platform, application processing services, first-class support, applicant communications, winner selections, funds disbursement and program promotions.

Johnson Center for Philanthropy
Booth No: 608
201 Front Avenue SW, BIK 200
Grand Rapids, MI 49504
Telephone: 616-331-9022
Website: www.johnsoncenter.org
The Johnson Center is an academic center focused on increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the charitable sector. Our work involves conducting research, teaching effective practices, and providing pathways to service.

MB Financial Bank
Booth No: 606
363 West Ontario
Chicago, IL 60654
Telephone: 312-279-6445
E-mail: dkobak@mbfinancial.com
Website: www.mbfinancial.com
Representative: Debbie Kobak
MB Financial Bank helps foundations achieve their missions. A trusted community partner who understand the unique banking and investment management needs of the nonprofit sector, MB delivers values-based solutions with a personalized touch. Headquarterd in Chicago, MB is proud to partner with mission-driven organizations across the U.S.

Booth No. 702
619 W 54th, 10th Floor
New York, NY 10019
Telephone: 646-237-3986
Website: www.microedge.com
MicroEdge, LLC is the leading provider of software and services to the giving community worldwide. MicroEdge solutions deliver a powerful, integrated, and open framework for efficient and effective charitable giving.

O'Connor Davies, LLP
Booth No. 313
665 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10022
Telephone: 212-286-2600
E-mail: tblaney@odpkf.com, cpetermann@odpkf.com
Website: www.odpkf.com
Representatives: Thomas F. Blaney and Christopher D. Petermann
O'Connor Davies, LLP is a full service Certified Public Accounting and Consulting firm with seven offices located in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut and more than 400 professionals, including 70 partners. The Firm provides a complete range of accounting, tax and compliance-related services to over 1,300 not-for-profit organizations and over 225 private foundation clients.

Booth No: 601
#401 10324 82nd Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6E 1Z8
Telephone: 888-409-4098
E-mail: nick@getopenfield.com
Website: www.getopenfield.com
Representative: Nick Keyko
Openfield is a simple powerful online application management tool built for organizations that give. With an intuitive form builder, social media integration and our expertise in online strategy we help foundations make a bigger difference in the world. With Openfield it's more than just managing applications, it's about growing opportunities.

Booth No: 209
1729 Bank Street, Suite 200
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1V 7Z5
Telephone: 613-260-5007, ext. 245
E-mail: martin@myreviewroom.com
Website: www.myReviewRoom.com
Representative: Martin Kratky-Katz
ReviewRoom is a hosted grant management solution that streamlines application, review & follow-up processes from end to end. It automates repetitive tasks and empowers clients to fully customize workflow and forms on the fly. Your organization's processes are always improving; isn't it time for a solution that evolves with you?

SEI Investments
Booth No. 609
One Freedom Valley Drive
Oaks, PA 19456
Telephone: 610-676-3356
Fax: 484-676-3356
E-mail: emeehan@seic.com
Website: http://www.seic.com/CoF2013
SEI's Institutional Group is one of the first and largest global providers of outsourced chief investment officer (OCIO) services. SEI manages $64 billion in OCIO assets and has approximately 140 foundation and endowment clients. We offer solutions that help clients reduce risk, fulfill due diligence requirements and meet financial objectives.

SmartSimple Software Inc.
Booth No: 311
111 Peter Street, Suite 405
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5V 2H1
Telephone: 416-591-1668
Fax: 416-591-3599
E-mail: dresnick@smartsimple.com
Website: www.smartsimple.com
Representative: David Resnick
SmartSimple Software Inc. provides a one-stop SaaS solution to help corporations connect with their communities to unleash their ability to do good. Businesses of all types successfully use SmartSimple to realize their philanthropic potential through grants, employee matching gifts, and volunteer programs

Stanford Social Innovation Review
Booth No. 207
429 Arguello Way
Stanford, CA 94305
Telephone: 650-736-0742
E-mail: rridley@stanford.edu
Website: www.ssireview.org
Representative: Regina Starr Ridley
Stanford Social Innovation Review is an award-winning magazine that covers cross-sector solutions to global problems. Published at the Stanford Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society, SSIR is written for social change leaders in the nonprofit, business, and government sectors who view collaboration as key to solving social and environmental issues.

STARS Online - Powered by Cappex
Booth No. 607
230 W. Monroe Suite 1200
Chicago, IL 60606
Telephone: 847-859-5017
E-mail: sales@starsonlinescholarships.com
Website: www.starsonlinescholarship.com
STARS is an online, paperless platform that simplifies scholarship management for foundations and financial aid offices, while helping colleges increase enrollment and remove funding barriers. With tools to manage the entire scholarship process, your team can cut down the repetitive work and focus on providing students the right scholarship opportunities.

SunGard Wealth & Retirement Administration
Booth No. 612
104 Inverness Center Place
Birmingham, AL 35242
Telephone: 205-437-7602
E-mail: swra.marketing@sungard.com
Website: www.sungard.com/wealthandretirement
SunGard provides wealth and retirement administration solutions and services that help banks, trust companies, brokerage firms, insurance firms, plan administrators, and advisors acquire, service and grow their client relationships. We provide solutions for client acquisition, transaction management, trust account and retirement record keeping.

Wilmington Trust
Booth No. 509
1100 N. Market Street
Wilmington, DE 19890
Telephone: 302-427-4621
E-mail: JZechman@Wilmingtontrust.com
Website: www.wilmingtontrust.com
Representative: Joan Zechman
Wilmington Trust has been serving clients for over a century and our recent merger with M&T Bank means we bring powerful, specialized expertise to our clients. In addition to Investment Management, we provide a la carte administrative services that ensure an organization's employees can focus on its philanthropic goals and not mundane administrative tasks.

Booth No. 307
6 Poplar Street
Conshohocken, PA 19428
Telephone: 215-259-8299
E-mail: jefft213@gmail.com
Website: www.wizehive.com
Representative: Jeff Thomas
WizeHive helps organizations of all sizes accept, organize and review applications online. Use WizeHive to efficiently find the most qualified applicants for your foundation.

1 South Dearborn Street, 19th Floor
Chicago, IL 60603
Website: www.arcelormittal.com
Representative: Heather Loebner
ArcelorMittal is the world’s leading steel and mining company. Guided by a philosophy to produce safe, sustainable steel, it is the leading supplier of quality steel products in all major markets including automotive, construction, household appliances and packaging. ArcelorMittal operates in 60 countries and employs about 245,000 people worldwide.
Sponsor of Cyber Café and co-sponsor of Networking Event at the Art Institute of Chicago

Casey Family Programs
2001 Eighth Avenue, Suite 2700
Seattle, WA 98121
Telephone: 206-282-7300
Fax: 206-282-3555
E-mail: info@casey.org
Website: www.casey.org
Sponsor of opening lunch plenary: Building Safe Communities

The Chronicle of Philanthropy
1255 23rd Street, NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20037
Telephone: 212-758-5293
Fax: 202-452-1033
E-mail: Gerry.Kiernan@chronicle.com
Website: Philanthropy.com
Representative: Gerry Kiernan
The Chronicle of Philanthropy is the leading source in the nonprofit world for news, jobs, and ideas. Philanthropy.com connects nonprofit professionals with the latest trends in fundraising, giving, and nonprofit management. Find the information and tools you need to do your job more effectively. Visit Philanthropy.com..
Media partner of the Annual Conference

D5 Coalition
980 N Michigan Avenue, Suite 1120
Chicago, Il 60611
Telephone: 312-324-0744
Website: www.d5coalition.org
D5 is a five-year coalition to advance philanthropy’s diversity, equity, and inclusion. As our constituencies become increasingly diverse, we need to understand and reflect their rich variety of perspectives in order to achieve greater impact.
Sponsor of Philanthropy without Borders Late Night Reception

465 California Street, Suite 806
San Francisco, CA 94101
Telephone: 415-743-3336
E-mail: bbarson@give2asia.com
Website: www.give2asia.com
Representative: Barnett F. Baron
Give2Asia is a not-for-profit meeting the philanthropic needs of individuals, corporations, and foundations by offering services in project design, due diligence, advised grantmaking, and impact monitoring.
Sponsor of An Evening of Global Networking

King Baudouin Foundation United States (KBFUS)
10 Rockefeller Plaza, 16th Floor
New York, NY 10020
Telephone: 212-713-7660
E-mail: jeanpaul@kbfus.org
Website: www.kbfus.org
Representative: Jean Paul Warmoes
The King Baudouin Foundation United States (KBFUS) helps U.S. donors support non-profit initiatives in Europe and Africa. KBFUS is affiliated with one of Europe's leading foundations.
Sponsor of An Evening of Global Networking

Lawrence Associates
396 Washington Street, Suite 303
Wellesley, MA 02481
Telephone: 781-237-9044
Fax: 781-237-9045
E-mail: lalawrence@lawrenceassociates.com
Representative: Lindalee A. Lawrence
Lawrence Associates is a national consulting firm providing services on all aspects of compensation to trustees and foundation management, covering executive, trustee and staff compensation, custom surveys, market analysis, and program design. We are known for providing high-quality, responsive, sophisticated consulting advice in a cost-effective manner. Founded 1989.
Sponsor of badge lanyards

The McCormick Foundation
205 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 4300
Chicago, IL 60601
Telephone: 312-445-5000
E-mail: info@mccormickfoundation.org
Website: www.mccormickfoundation.org
The Robert R. McCormick Foundation is committed to fostering communities of educated, informed and engaged citizens. Through philanthropic programs, Cantigny Park and museums, the Foundation helps develop citizen leaders and works to make life better in our communities. The Foundation was established as a charitable trust in 1955, upon the death of Colonel Robert R. McCormick, the longtime editor and publisher of the Chicago Tribune.
Sponsor of Arts Integration

Microsoft Corporation
1290 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10104
Telephone: 312-445-5000
Website: www.microsoft.com
Sponsor of Philanthropy without Borders Late Night Reception and Dine-Around

Mondelēz Global LLC
Three Parkway North Boulevard, Suite 300
Deerfield, IL 60015
Telephone: 781-237-9044
Fax: 781-237-9045
Website: www.mondelezinternational.com
Representative: Nicole R. Robinson
Sponsor of pre-convention session: A Global Engagement: Bold Ideas for Global Philanthropy and Global Philanthropy concurrent session track

The Resource Foundation
237 West 35th Street, Suite 1203
New York, NY 10001
Telephone: 212-675-6170
Email: mmacedonio@resourcefnd.org
Website: www.resourcefnd.org
Representative:Marcela Lopez-Macedonio
The Resource Foundation helps donors support initiatives across the Americas and the Caribbean through individualized services: philanthropic advising, grantmaking support, due diligence, monitoring, reporting, etc.
Sponsor of An Evening of Global Networking

The Richard H. Driehaus Foundation
333 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 510
Chicago, Illinois 60601
Telephone: 312-641-5772
Fax: 312-641-5736
Website: www.driehausfoundation.org
The Richard H. Driehaus Foundation, founded in 1983 and as a family foundation in 1992, benefits individuals and communities primarily by supporting the preservation and enhancement of the built and natural environments through historic preservation, encouragement of quality architectural and landscape design, and conserving open space. The Foundation also supports the performing and visual arts, investigative reporting and government accountability and makes grants to organizations that provide opportunities for working families who remain poor.
Sponsor of Arts Integration

Silicon Valley Community Foundation
2440 W. El Camino Real, Suite 300
Mountain View, CA 94040
Telephone: 650-450-5527
Website: www.siliconvalleycf.org
Representative: Nicole R. Robinson
Silicon Valley Community Foundation advances innovative philanthropic solutions to challenging problems, engaging donors to make our region and world a better place for all. Silicon Valley Community Foundation is a comprehensive center of philanthropy.
Sponsor of registration bag insert

The Siragusa Foundation
One East Wacker Drive, Suite 2910
Chicago, IL 60601
Telephone: 312-755-0064
Website: www.siragusa.org
Representative: Nicole R. Robinson
Established in 1950 by Ross D. Siragusa, The Siragusa Foundation is a private family foundation committed to helping underserved people in the Chicago area help themselves and experience a better quality of life, by funding organizations in five program areas: Arts & Culture, Education, the Environment, Health, and Human Services.
General Annual Conference sponsor