125 Management LLC
A. Lindsay and Olive B. O'Connor Foundation
Abraham J. and Phyllis Katz Foundation
AIDS Community and Orphan Trust
Al Sigl Community of Agencies
Albert J. & Claire R. Speh Foundation
Alliance for Justice
Alonzo Mourning Charities 
American Committee For the Weizmann Institute of Science 
Andrea and Charles Bronfman Philanthropies, Inc.
Anna Paulina Foundation
Anverse, Inc.
Association of Small Foundations
Ball Brothers Foundation
Banco JP Morgan
Bender Foundation, Inc.
Benton Foundation
Bernstein Global Wealth Management
Betsy and Jesse Fink Foundation
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
Bolder Giving
Bromelkamp Company LLC
Bussel Philanthropy
C.E.& S. Foundation, Inc.
C.S. Fund
Calvert Social Investment Foundation
CAP Brand Marketing
Carolyn Foundation
Castellano Family Foundation
Catholic Human Services Foundation
Catholic Schools Foundation
Charles & Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation
Common Grant Application
Commonweal Foundation
Community Capital Management
Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta
Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro, Inc.
CommunityForce, Inc & CommunityForce Foundation
Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
Crown Family Philanthropies
CS Fund
CyberGrants, Inc.
Cynthia and George Mitchell Foundation
D5 Coalition
Dean & Margaret Lesher Foundation
Dexter F. & Dorothy H. Baker Foundation
Do More Mission
Doe Family Foundation
Donors Forum
Dorothy A. Johnson Center For Philanthropy
Doyle Family Foundation
Dyson Foundation
E.S. Moore Family Foundation
East Hill Foundation
Eckerd Family Foundation
Edwards Mother Earth Foundation
Emory Center For Ethics
Ettinger Foundation
Eugene & Agnes E. Meyer Foundation
Family Office Exchange
Fenwick Foundation
Fidelity Charitable
Firelight Foundation
Fleishhacker Foundation
Florida Philanthropic Network
Foundant Technologies
Foundation Center
Foundation Source Philanthropic Services, Inc.
Francis R. and Ruth E. Oberreich Foundation, Inc.
Frey Foundation (MI)
Fundación Corona
GALICINAO: Legacy•Philanthropy
Generation Institute
George Family Foundation
Germeshausen Foundation, Inc.
Gerstner Family Foundation
Gifts in Kind International
Global Greengrants Fund
Global Social Housing
GMA Foundations
Grantmakers For Effective Organizations
Grantmakers Forum of New York
Grantmakers in Film + Electronic Media
Grayce B. Kerr Fund, Inc.
Green Camel Bell
Hammer & Associates
Harold Grinspoon Charitable Foundation
Harry L. Willett Foundation
Harvey L. Miller Foundation
Hatcher, Stubbs, Land, Hollis & Rothschild
Hoblitzelle Foundation
Homer A. & Mildred S. Scott Foundation
HopeLab Foundation
Horace C. Cabe Foundation
Hull Family Foundation
Hulston Family Foundation
IDP Foundation, Inc.
Institute For Music and Children
Instituto Geracao
Island Foundation, Inc.
Ittleson Foundation, Inc.
Jack Deloss Taylor Charitable Trust
Jacobs Family Foundation
Jersey Foundation
Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation, Inc.
Jewish Communal Fund
Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund of San Francisco
John & Katherine Duda Foundation
John M. Belk Educational Endowment
Josephine and Louise Crane Foundation, Inc.
Josephine S. Gumbiner Foundation
Joy McCann Foundation
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
K.A.H.R. Foundation
Kanzius Center Research Foundation
Kenneth T. & Eileen L. Norris Foundation
Kids in Distressed Situations (K.I.D.S.)
Kimball Foundation
L&H Foundation
Levin Family Foundation
Lippman Kanfer Family Foundation
Lloyd and Lauretta Dyer Family Foundation
Lumina Foundation for Education
Marbrook Foundation
Mardag Foundation
Marie C. & Joseph C. Wilson Foundaiton
Marion I. & Henry J. Knott Foundation, Inc.
Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation
Max M. and Marjorie S. Fisher Foundation
MB Financial
McMurtry Family Foundation
McWilliams Family Foundation
Mead Family Foundation
Mental Wellness Foundation
Merck Family Fund
Miami-Dade County Public Schools
Michelson Family Foundation
Microedge, LLC
Mitchell Kapor Foundation
Morgan Family Foundation
Mott Philanthropic
Ms. Foundation for Women
Nancy Pierce Photography
National Center for Family Philanthropy
National Network of Consultants To Grantmakers
NativityMiguel Network of Schools
Neithercut Philanthropy Advisors
New York Foundation for the Arts, Inc.
Nichols Foundation
Northern Trust
NoVo Foundation
NYU Academy For Funder Education
O'Connor Davies Munns & Dobbins, LLP
Oppenheimer Brothers Foundation
Our Father's Foundation
Pascal International Foundation
Patrick Carney Foundation
Penney Family Fund
Peternell Family Foundation
Pitcairn Financial Group
Putnam Family Foundation
Quixote Foundation
R & F Block Family Foundation
Rainwater Charitable Foundation
Ralph E. Ogden Foundation
Rasmuson Foundation
Residence Development Corp.
Resource Generation
Richard & Susan Smith Family Foundation
Richard and Freya Block Family Foundation
Richard E. and Deborah L. Tarrant Foundation
RNR Charitable Foundation
Robins Foundation
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors
Rosenbluth Family Foundation
Roy A. Hunt Foundation
Samuel P. Pardoe Foundation
Santa Barbara Foundation
Sauer Children's Renew Foundation
Scheidel Foundation
Schwab Charitable
Seattle International Foundation
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Solidago Foundation
Southeastern Council of Foundations
Southwest Initiative Foundation
Specialty Family Foundation
Speh Family Foundation
Starwood Consulting, LLC
Steans Family Foundation
Stranahan Foundation
Strategic Philanthropy, Ltd
Strategies, Inc.
T.D. Williamson, Inc.
Taconic Foundation
TD Charitable Foundation
Tecovas Foundation
Ted Arison Family Foundation USA, Inc.
The Allyn Foundation, Inc.
The Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation
The Behrakis Foundation
The Belvedere Trust
The Bob Crewe Foundations
The Bothin Foundation
The Brinson Foundation
The Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University
The Chorus Foundation
The Christensen Fund
The Community Foundation of Louisville
The Concordia Foundation
The Crawford Idema Family Foundation
The Curtis L. Carlson Family Foundation
The Cynthia & George Mitchell Foundation
The David & Lucile Packard Foundation
The Doe Family Foundation
The Eddie and Jo Allison Smith Family Foundation
The Ethel & W. George Kennedy Family Foundation
The Ettinger Foundation, Inc.
The Fenwick Foundation
The Fenwick Foundation - West Coast
The Fetzer Institute
The Foundation Review
The Fuller Foundation, Inc.
The George B. Storer Foundation
The H Foundation
The Henry and Marilyn Taub Foundation
The Horner Foundation
The Jack DeLoss Taylor Charitable Trust
The Jay & Rose Phillips Family Foundation of Minnesota
The Kenneth and Hazel Roe Foundation
The Kimball Foundation
The LARRK Foundation
The Lawson Foundation
The Leighty Foundation
The Lemelson Foundation
The Levin Family Foundation
The Lily Pearl Foundation
The Marcus Foundation
The Max M. & Marjorie S. Fisher Foundation
The Maximilian E. & Marion O. Hoffman Foundation, Inc.
The Minneapolis Foundation
The Nathan Cummings Foundation
The Nichols Foundation
The Oluv C. Joynor Foundation, Inc.
The Penney Family Fund
The Pershing Square Foundation
The Philanthropic Initiative
The Piton Foundation
The Powell Foundation
The Power of Half
The Rainwater Charitable Foundation
The Ron Clark Academy
The Roy A. Hunt Foundation
The Russell Family Foundation
The Sampson Foundation
The Sandusky/Erie County Community Foundation
The Save Trust
The Schooner Foundation
The Self Family Foundation
The Seymour H. Knox Foundation Inc.
The Stranahan Foundation
The Tapeats Fund
The Tauck Foundation
The Ted Arison Family Foundation (ISRAEL)
The Trio Foundation of St. Louis
The Vermont Community Foundation
The William Penn Foundation
The Wyomissing Foundation
Theodore Edson Parker Foundation
Theodore L. Cross Family Charitable Foundation
Thomas W. Haas Foundation
Threshold Group
Timothy and Bernadette Marquez Foundation
Tracy Family Foundation
Triad Foundation, Inc.
Trillium Family Foundation
United Service Foundation
University of Miami School of Education
Urban Partnership Bank
Veris Wealth Partners
Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation
Visions Inc.
Vox Capital
W. Clement & Jessie V. Stone Foundation
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Walnut Way Conservation Corp.
Walter S. Johnson Foundation
Wardle Family Foundation
Weaver Foundation
Wege Foundation
William Caspar Graustein Memorial Fund
William Davidson Foundation
William Penn Foundation
Women Donors Network
Zarrow Families Foundation