Family Central is the hub of activity and the center of the Family Philanthropy Conference. Pick up your registration materials and tickets for
off-site sessions. See all of our exhibitors and connect with Council staff and colleagues from the world of philanthropy. Family Central has it all:
And for the first time, connect and recharge at the Relaxation Station. Professional massage therapists will provide seated massages to relax the classic tension areas of the neck, back, shoulders and arms so you'll feel more refreshed, alert and energized. Visit the Foundant Technologies booth for your ticket to instant relaxation.
There is something healing about artwork, especially when it is placed in a hospital setting. The colors, shapes, and textures beautify a patient’s surroundings and provide a needed distraction from the clinical atmosphere. Conference attendees will have an opportunity to participate in a special service project, courtesy of PaintFest—a national nonprofit program that allows volunteers to paint murals for health care environments. Channel your inner artist and support patients in the healing process by helping to create a mural for a local hospital that will be enjoyed by patients and caregivers for years to come.