Preconference registration is now closed. Please visit the registration desk in the Imperial Ballroom during onsite registration hours:
Saturday, January 26: 1-6 p.m.
Sunday, January 27: 7 a.m.-6 p.m.
Monday, January 28: 7 a.m.-6 p.m.
Tuesday, January 29: 7 a.m.-noon
Confirmations will be e-mailed within 10 days of receipt.
Please remember to include your e-mail address on your registration form to
receive registration and hotel confirmations. Because of the high volume of
registrations, the Council is unable to confirm conference registration by phone.
All cancellations must be submitted in writing by December 14, 2012. No refunds will be issued for requests received after that date. Fax your cancellation to 703-879-0800 or 703-879-0802 or e-mail to
Cancellation fees will be as follows:
- Cancellation through November 23, 2012
Full refund minus $150 administrative fee
- Cancellation November 24 through December 13
25% refund of conference fees
- Cancellation on December 14, 2012, or after
NO refund available
Multiple Registration Discount
If your organization is a member of the Council on Foundations and three
people from your organization pay the full conference fee ($775), additional
members of your organization who register at the same time as the first
three will receive the multiple registration discount ($675). Registration forms
and payment must be received by November 30, 2012.
Guest and Student Registration
Guest registration is available for spouses and partners of full conference attendees and includes all meals, plenary sessions, and the networking event.
Students and recent graduates from accredited educational institutions may be eligible to attend our conference for a special student rate that includes access to all conference programming.
Students should complete the registration process and include a letter with area of study, anticipated graduation date, and the reason for attending the conference. Students who are affiliated with an organization that is a Council member should register through the organization.
Affinity Groups
The Council is pleased to extend the member rate to all members of Council-recognized
affinity groups, whether they are Council members or not. Additionally,
the Council will pay Council-recognized affinity groups $100 for
every registered Family Philanthropy Conference participant who is one of their members but
not a Council member and who registers for the conference using the appropriate
discount code. If your foundation would like to take advantage of this
initiative and if your foundation is a member of a Council-recognized affinity
group but not a member of the Council, please contact your affinity group to
receive the appropriate discount code.
Pending Member
Nonmembers must pay nonmember registration fees. Pending membership
applications or applications sent with the registration form do not qualify for
registration at the member rate. If you pay the nonmember fee for the conference
and your Council membership is approved by December 31, 2012, the difference
between member and nonmember conference fees will be credited
toward your organization's dues payment. Please call the Membership Services
staff at 703-879-0645 for more information.

Hotel Reservations
The Fairmont San Jose
170 South Market Street
San Jose, CA 95113
$219 single/double
Make your
hotel reservations online, or call 800-441-1414 and reference the Council on Foundations 2013 Family Philanthropy Conference.
Hotel Cancellations
A hotel reservation confirmation will be sent to you directly from the hotel.
Your one nights deposit will be forfeited as your cancellation fee if you cancel your reservation less than 72 hours prior to your scheduled day of arrival. Should you change your departure date after check-in to an earlier date, you will be assessed an early departure fee of one night room and tax.